Proven Performance, World Class Results
Achieving the best solder joint quality, maximum topside hole fill, and zero defects are challenges with high mass, difficult-to-solder PCBs. The Electra’s features, including ServoJet™ fluxing, forced convection preheat, and UltraFill 4.0, DwellMax 4.0, and DwellFlex 4.0 solder nozzles, provide board assemblers the capability to process the most difficult soldering applications in the most demanding environments.
Lead-Free Process Capability
The Electra has been soldering lead-free applications for many years. The cast iron solder pot and its components are resistant to the corrosive nature of lead-free solders, and are capable of withstanding temperatures of 302° C (576° F). All components that come into contact with the solder are titanium as standard. Features such as our Quick Change solder pot provide the flexibility to easily change alloys in a safe and timely manner.
Proven performance and reliability are hallmarks of Electra. Electrovert holds the industry reputation as having the most reliable wave soldering systems that last the longest when compared to other makes. Board assemblers know the value in owning an Electrovert wave soldering system. The Electra carries a lifetime warranty on the solder pot casting to the original owner.
Conveyor: Process Width Capability
The robust conveyor is designed to handle the weight of thick boards and pallets; and automatic lead clearance adjustment is standard. A soldering process width of 457 mm (18 inches) is standard while a process width of 508 mm (20 inches) is optional.
Solder Nozzle Technologies
Electrovert’s UltraFill™ 4.0, DwellMax™ 4.0 and DwellFlex 4.0 solder nozzles are designed to provide maximum top-side hole fill, provide the best hole fill quality, improve first pass yields, reduce dross, and promote easy maintenance. DwellMax 4.0 extra-wide chip nozzle and modified UltraFill 4.0 nozzle are ideal for soldering thick, high thermal mass circuit boards.
Fluxing Technologies
As the complexity of board assemblies continues to increase, fluxing quality has become more of a focus to ensure soldering quality. Electrovert offers the best fluxing technologies available in the marketplace. The ServoJet fluxing system provides the ultimate in precision deposition and hole penetration (OA version available for aggressive flux applications) while ServoSonicâ„¢ and ServoSprayâ„¢ fluxing systems are available for ultrasonic and value-based solutions.
Operations and Software
The software and controls of the Electra were designed to be user-friendly. The Windows® operating system is multi-functional and easy to use. The 3D GUI provides the user a real-time view of the complete machine modules, operation, and product being soldered. All Electrovert systems have a customizable ‘dashboard’ quick view screen. Quick view allows engineers and operators to view critical machine parameters that are important to the process or application.
Auto Exit Wing
Automation, defect reduction, repeatability, MES information management and simplified operation continue to be market drivers across all aspects of board assembly manufacturing. Electrovert’s patented Auto Exit Wing feature provides the level of automation that allows an automated adjustment of the laminar wave flow to match the board velocity for reduced defects. The recipe-controlled set-point ensures the wave dynamics are automatically adjusted ensuring wave flow dynamics are optimized for each PCB type and application.
Deep Wave Option
The Deep Wave option innovative system provides the ability to pump up to 20 mm wave height.
The Deep Wave option overcomes the challenges associated with deep pockets and masking and provides a wave depth necessary to achieve topside hole fill. In some applications the 20 mm capability has removed the need for an additional soldering process. The Deep Wave is a recipe-controlled parameter in the machine software that can make changes between different wave heights within 10 seconds. The Deep Wave option complements other Electrovert value added options including ExactaWave (automatic wave height adjustment), adjustable wave pump RPM’s settings, forced convection blower speed adjustments and precision selective fluxing that can all be adjusted on-the-fly.
DwellFlex 4.0 Solder Nozzle with Nitrogen Tunnel
DwellMax 4.0 is a patented process solution that meets the challenges of lead-free wave soldering. The extra-wide chip nozzle and modified UltraFill 4.0 nozzle are ideal for soldering thick, high thermal mass circuit boards, increasing throughput capability. With conventional wave soldering technology, thick multi-layer and/or high thermal mass circuit boards are often accompanied by high cost from low yields, slow production speeds, rework costs, and the collateral damage associated with a rework loop. The innovative design of DwellMax 4.0 alleviates these problems and provides better PTH fill at significantly faster conveyor speeds. The benefits of the nitrogen tunnel include improved solder wetting and reduction in dross by up to 83%.
The DwellFlex 4.0 benefits include:
- Minimises changeover downtime in high-mix applications
- Eliminates lost production time associated with conveyor speed changes
- Allows ability to optimize the profile through the preheat section and adjust wave contact time for an optimal soldering process
- Change contact length between high mass pcb’s to low mass pcb’s in less than 10 seconds
- Varying the wave length on-the-fly eliminates preheater changeover time
- Higher solder quality results – no temperature dip associated with the gap in a typical dual wave configuration
- Reduced defect opportunities
- Flexibility to provide precise dwell time for any board
- Available on Electra and VectraElite (EC4 and VC3)
- Compatible with full and short N2 tunnels
- Field upgradeable
UltraFill 4.0 Solder Nozzle
The patented UltraFill 4.0 solder nozzle is an ideal solution for lead-free soldering. The UltraFill 4.0 nozzle is 40% wider than traditional tin-lead nozzle to increase contact time. The nozzle placement reduces the temperature drop between nozzles and improves hole fill. UltraFill allows either air or nitrogen operation through the same design without switching nozzles. Nitrogen or air operation can be selected through the desired recipe, without the need to change nozzles (also available with the rotary chip nozzle).
DwellMax 4.0 Solder Nozzle with Nitrogen Tunnel
DwellMax 4.0 is a patented process solution that meets the challenges of lead-free wave soldering. The extra-wide chip nozzle and modified UltraFill 4.0 nozzle are ideal for soldering thick, high thermal mass circuit boards, increasing throughput capability. With conventional wave soldering technology, thick multi-layer and/or high thermal mass circuit boards are often accompanied by high cost from low yields, slow production speeds, rework costs, and the collateral damage associated with a rework loop. The innovative design of DwellMax 4.0 alleviates these problems and provides better PTH fill at significantly faster conveyor speeds. The benefits of the nitrogen tunnel include improved solder wetting and reduction in dross by up to 83%.
DwellMax 4.0 benefits include:
- Compatible with Full or Short Nitrogen Tunnel
- Increased topside hole fill;
- Reduced defect rates;
- Highest wave-height capability in industry;
- Higher production rates;
- Significantly less dross;
- Reduced solder usage;
- Reduced flux usage.
Electrovert’s DwellMax 4.0 is the key to a better bottom line through fewer defects and maximized productivity.
Heavy Duty Conveyor
The Heavy Duty Conveyor is designed to handle heavier loads of up to 91 kg (200 lb) while still maintaining the benefits of a single continuous conveyor. The use of titanium universal V/L fingers with a choice of 3mm or 6mm L, along with precision linear bearing support cross shafts and fine-pitch screw shafts are robust with excellent parallelism for the conveyor. The high-strength hard-coat anodized aluminum extrusion used in the rail and tunnel support structure are field proven in demanding production environments for its durability and stability.
Short Nitrogen Tunnel Feature
Electrovert’s nitrogen tunnel utilizes patented technology that inerts at the solder wave area only. This efficient approach maintains a very low oxygen environment of <50 ppm which is ideal for increased wetting effects and a significant reduction of dross.
Benefits of the nitrogen tunnel include:
- Significant reduction in dross and maintenance in the solder module area with pay-back in less than 6 months (depending on application and alloy)
- Minimal distance between preheat and solder contact area
- Inerted environment allows the use of milder fluxes and/or a reduced amount of flux applied
- Optional O2 analyzer enables data logging of critical parameters specific to the solder wave area
- Simple, efficient design provides easy access to solder module
- Short Tunnel is field upgradable (check with factory).
Full Nitrogen Tunnel Feature
Electrovert’s full nitrogen tunnel feature includes all the same features and benefits of the short tunnel plus a fully inerted preheat section. The innovative approach to inerting the preheat section allows for forced convection preheat in preheat location #1 (closest to solder) and in both upper/lower positions.
Benefits of the nitrogen tunnel include:
- Available for use with UltraFill 4.0, DwellMax 4.0 and DwellFlex 4.0 nozzles
- Significant reduction in dross and maintenance in the solder module area with pay-back in less than 6 months (depending on application and alloy);
- Complete and easy access to all preheat, fluxer, and solder pot area from rear of machine
- Fully inerted tunnel Inerted environment allows the use of milder fluxes and/or a reduced amount of flux applied;
- Optional O2 analyzer enables data logging of critical parameters specific to the solder wave area;
- Full Tunnel is field upgradable ( check with factory).
ExactaWave Automatic Wave Height
ExactaWave is a patented, high-reliability sensor with closed-loop feedback designed to control the solder wave height relative to the board. Its ability withstand temperatures up to 300° (573°F) makes it perfectly suited for precision soldering applications.
The ExactaWave system compensates for changes in solder level, dross accumulation and set-up changes made during maintenance. Thus, a set-point entered in a recipe always produces the same result. The ExactaWave’s seamless integration into the soldering machine’s software also allows it to operate in standby mode and is a parameter that can be data logged with trending capability.
ServoJet Fluxing Application System
The ServoJet system ensures thorough flux penetration by utilizing concentric air atomization. It offers a programmable method of applying flux that results in consistent flux deposition and reduced flux usage. The ServoJet utilizes air atomized multiple jet technology that is 100% integrated into the wave soldering system software. [servojet]
High end fluxer capabilities include:
- Precision selective fluxing capability that applies different flux volumes to individual sections of the board;
- OA version available for aggressive water soluble type fluxes;
- Optional Dual Flux capability;
- User-defined automatic self-clean;
- Field upgradable.
ServoJet benefits include:
- Accurate flux control that reduces bridging;
- Improved hole penetration;
- Reduced flux consumption;
- Precision selective fluxing (standard ServoJet version);
- Optional dual flux capability for recipe-dependant conversion to a second flux for quick product change-over;
- 100% integrated into machine software providing data logging and trending capability;
- Applies to a wide range of fluxes.
ServoSonic Flux Application System
The ServoSonic is a reciprocating ultrasonic atomizing spray fluxing system. It consists of an ultrasonic atomized spray nozzle and air impact nozzle with an automatic self-cleaning function. The titanium nozzle and horn assemblies make the ServoSonic an ideal solution for high solids and aggressive water soluble fluxes.
The ServoSonic benefits include:
- Ultrasonic atomized air delivery system;
- Ability to spray in one or both directions;
- Reduced flux consumption;
- Reduced maintenance costs;
- Selective flux capability;
- 100% integrated into wave solder machine software providing data logging and trending capability;
- Applies to a wide range of fluxes
Flux Flow Monitor
Electrovert’s flux flow monitor is intended for applications that flux flow verification is critical to the wave soldering process. The feature provides an accurate method of verifying repeatability of the flux flow rate and flux volume on a board-to-board basis. The flux flow monitor uses an innovative non-contact type sensor. This approach allows the feature to be compatible across a broad range of flux types and spray technologies.
Flux Flow Monitor Features:
Compatible with a broad range of flux types:
- Alcohol and water based
- Low to high solid content
- Mild to highly corrosive
Available on Electra, VectraElite, and VectraES (single and dual-head type fluxers)
- ServoJet
- ServoSpray
- ServoSonic
Feature is field upgradable (check with the factory on vintage and configuration of machine)
Preheat Features
The Electra is capable of up to 2.4 meters (8 feet) of bottom side preheat and up to 1.8 meters (6 feet) of topside preheat. Multiple forms of preheat are offered for complete process flexibility; these include IsoThermal™ forced convection, fast response IR, and Infrared radiant. All preheat modules are ‘plug and play’, allowing preheat configurations to be located in any position, location, and 100% interchangeable.
Quick Change Solder Pot
Electrovert’s quick change solder pot allows the use of two or more alloys with easy change-over of interchangeable solder pots. This feature is designed for safety, beginning with a robust cart that includes locking devices and safety bars to secure the pot. The quick-change electrical and nitrogen utilities simplify change-over while the warming station (included) significantly reduces changeover time.
Quick-change pot benefits include:
- Use of multiple alloys;
- Built-in safety features;
- All critical process features of the wave solder machine remain integrated
- between the multiple solder pots:
- Standard wave features such as FloLift, stand-by-mode, RPM control, alarms,and data logging;
- Auto-lead clearance;
- Optional ExactaWave (auto wave-height control);
- One pot/cart can be used on multiple machines of the same model and vintage (check with factory);
Field upgradable
Features for Value in Wave Soldering
Electrovert’s Electra, VectraElite, and VectraES2 offer a wide range of features and capabilities that increase the value of the wave solder process. The value is achieved through reliability, features that provide process flexibility, maximize process control, and ultimately save time and money.
Value-based features include:
- Lifetime warranty on solder pot casting (applies to original owner);
- Recipe-driven automatic lead clearance;
- FloLiftâ„¢ technology increases the upward force of the waves just as the PCB passes over the wave. This feature promotes maximum topside hole fill;
- Stand-by-mode of solder waves that reduces the rpm of the solder wave just until the PCB is near the solder pot. This feature reduces dross generation when no PCBs are being soldered;
- Combination 2d/1d bar code reader can be combined with data logging for complete process control and automation;
- Data-logging and trending of critical machine parameters;
- Common Windows® based operating system and common GUI software across all Electrovert products (Wave, Reflow, and Cleaning). This is a significant time saver to operators and engineers. Minimal training is required when shifting from one product to another.
- Common I/O interface across all Electrovert products (Wave, Reflow, and Cleaning). This is significant to maintenance personnel and significant in that common spare parts can be used from one product to another.