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ECD Waverider

ECD | Machine Quality Management


WaveRIDER coupon improves accuracy and repeatability.

The wave soldering process is one of the most challenging procedures to set up. The ECD WaveRIDER NL 2 greatly simplifies wave solder set up and ensures perfect repeatability, time after time. Board recipe preheat temperatures, conveyor speed, wave height, contact times and parallelism are all measured and monitored using the WaveRIDER NL 2 process pallet.

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Dwell Sensors
Time spent in immersion across the solder pot also provides critical Contact Length, Immersion Depth and Parallelism data. Manage (SPC) optimum and repeatable board-to-wave orientation, icicles mitigation, conveyor finger maintenance, adequate pot replenishment, auto-start and pump maintenance.

Speed Sensor
Time delay between the “C” and Speed Sensors striking the main wave is used to calculate conveyor speed for every run to verify consistency (SPC) and catch an incorrect recipe setting. Creates event triggers for Coupon Sensors too.

Thermal Barrier
This is the thermal protective barrier for the M.O.L.E. thermal profiler

Rider Indicator
The Rider LED Indicates when SuperM.O.L.E.™ Gold 2 is connected to a WaveRIDER NL 2 test pallet. And when connected to a M.O.L.E.® EV6, a “RIDER“ symbol appears on the display. This also automatically sets the M.O.L.E.’s configuration.

Coupon Sensors
Three thermocouples are aligned with the Speed Sensor. Coupon Top, Bottom and Solder record board temperatures, Preheat Max Temp (top side), Preheat Max Slope, Wave surface temperature and Delta T at Wave. Provide key wave soldering measurements to verify machine readiness for production (SPC).

Replaceable test cooupon
Polyimide 3-thermocouple circuit board. Newly designed it now includes an anchor which fixes the “Solder” sensor at a 2mm [0.08”] depth. This provides optimum repeatability and a better representation of solder temperatures.

Simplify wave solder set up and ensures perfect repeatability,



  • Length: 305 mm [12in.]
  • Height: 33 mm [1.3in.]


  • Standard: 229mm [9”], 305 mm [12”], 381mm [15’], 458 mm [18”]
  • Custom: >145mm [5.7”]


  • 9”: 1.36 kg [3.0 lbs]
  • 12”: 1.72 kg [3.8 lbs]
  • 15”: 1.86 kg [4.1 lbs]
  • 18”: 2.61 kg [5.75 lbs]

Max. Operational Temperature (Pallet): 300°C [572°F]

System Kits

WaveRIDER NL 2 Standard Systems

  • E36-9285-00: 229 mm [9 in.] wide pallet
  • E36-9285-02: 305 mm [12 in.] wide pallet
  • E36-9285-05: 381mm [15 in.] wide pallet
  • E36-9285-08: 458 mm [18 in.] wide pallet

WaveRIDER NL 2 Custom System

  • E36-9285-12: >145mm [5.7in.] wide pallet

Pallet Sensors

6 – Distance/Time & Coupon✹

Type K: Special Limits of error ±1.1 or ±0.004*T per ASTM E230/E230M-12, IEC 60584:2013 and ISA–MC96.1–1982.

ECD waverider kit

Standard Kit description

WaveRIDER NL 2 pallet

  • Includes 6 sensors & thermal barrier
  • 9”, 12”, 15” & 18” widths

Lead-free Polyimide Test Coupon

M.O.L.E. MAP Software

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Carrying Box

Deliver accurate and reliable thermal data.

ecd thermal profiling technology logo

ECD Thermal Profilers are engineered to deliver accurate and reliable thermal data, essential for optimising manufacturing processes. With a focus on precision and efficiency, ECD’s profilers help manufacturers achieve the ideal thermal profiles for their products, ensuring consistent quality and performance.

Their cutting-edge technology allows for detailed analysis of thermal cycles, enabling manufacturers to identify potential issues before they affect production. ECD’s thermal profiling solutions are utilised in various applications, including PCB assembly, where maintaining precise temperature control is crucial to achieving optimal soldering results.

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