The Getech Bottom Router has proven its utility as a PCB Depanelling system and a point of work balance acting as a cutting system, a handling system, a sorting system while keeping the demand for operators to a minimum. As the world of electronics permeates our lives, the demand for miniaturization, smaller and faster, is being complemented by larger and longer form factor panels that exceed the norms of manufacture. Many EV and Solar applications have resulted in larger form factor electronics with extreme dimensions. To meet this need, Getech launches the GBR Max. The GBR Max can accommodate PCBs up to 1200mm in length.
Unlike many machines designed for large format PCBs, the GBR Max is the only one that uses a multi-stage robotic gripping system to handle the PCB. This means the need for Large, Heavy, and cumbersome fixtures is removed. No Fixtures Required!
The multi-stage handling means the gripper is positioned at the point closest to the cutting location maintaining PCB stability and minimizing any movement during cutting. An under PCB support mechanism stops the PCB from “Sagging under its own weight,” The output flat belt is stretched to accommodate the total PCB length.
The GBR Max may very well be the largest PCB router globally, but it is certainly the largest Fixtureless PCB router available today.