Essegi Automation has developed an innovative system for intelligent management of various types of component storage through dynamic warehouses. The goal is optimising available space and ensuring complete material traceability.
Thanks to an integrated LED light system, ISM 500 Pick to Light guides the operator in the extraction and insertion of materials using a mobile device. The cabinet can be equipped with a dehumidification system capable of monitoring and maintaining the relative humidity below 5%, and it allows the management and tracking of external materials as long as they have a unique code.
Meets the storage needs of various types of components:
7/13/15″ reels, JEDEC trays, SMT and PTH tubes, screen printing frames and foils, printed circuits, PTH components
Guides the operator in the extraction and insertion of the material
Thanks to the PDA configuration, it guarantees the error-free management of the material inside the ISM500 warehouse and the external positions.
- Through an acoustic system, the PDAs guide the operator by giving a positive or negative feedback on the material being handled
- Through an LED system, the PDAs indicate to the operator which component is needed and must be extracted
- The software ensures that the reserve rolls can remain inside the warehouse until the call from the line. The extraction of the reels at the last, allows the MSL components to last longer within a totally protected environment.
- After scanning the UNIQUE code of the label, a series of information appears on the PDA display that can further guide the operator.
Control the humidity rate through the HCU 2.0 system
ISM 500 Pick to Light system is designed to guarantee a continuous air treatment cycle. It regenerates the absorbed air without waste and the humidity extracted from the accumulation is expelled into the external environment.
The HCU 2.0 system is equipped with:
- 2 sensors: indoor/outdoor RH and indoor/outdoor temperature
- Display to show the indoor/outdoor relative humidity and temperature
It can also handle components that are not inside the ISM500
ISM500 Pick to Light system is a small cabinet which, thanks to a software option, can manage and track the materials stored outside the ESSEGI Automation warehouses, inside traditional warehouses and shelving.
Check the external shelves or any other external position, as long as properly labelled (via barcodes). The software is able to identify and track the unique IDs stored in each location. It is mandatory to have a PDA to use external locations.